Oral Presentations
Dr. Jorge Lino Alves (Portugal)
Title: Production of Substrates through Additive Manufacturing that Encourage Coral Growth, Made from Natural Stones and Mussel Shells
Dr. Tom Heldal (Norway)
Title: The Fauske marble heritage stone
Dr. Grazia Signori (Italy)
Title: Either arming and adorning. The stones of Bergamo and their key-role for the UNESCO heritage of Venetian walls
Dr. Ruth Siddall (UK)
Title: Ferricrete: London’s forgotten Medieval building stone.
Dr. Oliviero Baietto (Italy)
Title: Decay evolution in artificial aged marble
Dr. Paola Marini (Italy)
Title: IGCP 637 Herstones project
Dr. V.K. Sharma (India)
Title: Heritage Stone Provinces, stone resources, and representative dimension stones in India
Dr. Nicola Careddu (Italy)
Title: Virtutes materiae: Cagliari, the city of stone: innovative tourist itineraries promoting the use of stone resources throughout time
Dr. Michiel Dusar (Belgium)
Title: Regional heritage stone diversity in stone-poor landscapes, the example of northern Belgium
Dr. Luis Lopes (Portugal)
Title: Heritage Stones from Portugal: assessment of recognition
Dr. Valentina Cetean (Romania)
Title: Influence of the geological background and weathering processes on the ashlar limestone at the Dacian fortified acropolis of Piatra Roșie
Dr. Jorge Carvalho (Portugal)
Title: Ongoing activities for the valorization of the Lioz ornamental stone
Dr. Thirumalini Selvaraj (India)
Title: Identification of suitable stone at Sri Dwarkadhish temple, Dwaraka, Gujarat using analytical techniques for restoration
Poster Presentations
Dr. Angela Ehling (Germany)
Title: The use of Indian natural stones in Germany
Dr. Grazia Signori (Italy)
Title: Paving stones and the identity of a city: the case study of Rome and its Sanpietrini
Dr. Anette Granseth (Norway)
Title: Geological mapping of medieval churches in Bergen, Norway: concepts, methods, and results
Dr. Anette Ritter-Höll (Germany)
Title: The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi Built also with Makrana Marble from India
Dr. Joaquim Góis (Portugal)
Title: Contributions of Correspondence Analysis in the Use of Natural Stones
Dr. Matevž Novak (Slovenia)
Title: The educational and touristic potential of natural stone in urban Geoheritage of Ljubljana, the capitol of Slovenia
Dr. Meenal Mishra (India)
Title: Recognition of Shyok Ophiolites of NW Ladakh Trans-Himalaya as a Geoheritage: Importance to Himalayan orogeny and remnant of Tethyan Oceanic Lithosphere
Dr. David Freire-Lista (Portugal)
Title: Sculptural use of Pedra de Ançã in Vila Real district (Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion)
Dr. Bobby Mathew (India)
Title: Lithological Diversity and Ingenious Water Management in Coastal and Island Forts along the Konkan Coast of Western India
Dr. C Sreejith (India)
Title: Laterites of Kerala: A National Geological and Geo-heritage Monument stone with profuse architectonic legacy
Ashish Shinde (India)
Title:Use of Nano-Silica as a consolidating agent for the conservation of Heritage Structures
Parminder Kaur (India)
Title: Western Ghats Laterite: an Architecturally and Culturally Iconic Stone from India with Special Reference to Goa
Amritpaul Singh (India)
Title: Shiwalik Sandstone: a local building stone from Himachal Pradesh
Vedika Gupta (India)
Title: Unveiling Potential Geosites and Discussing Strategic Insights to Promote Geotourism in Bagh Region, Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, India